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Intellectual Property

Some of the images featured on CDs from budgetstockphoto may contain protected buildings or designs. While we try to keep our images generic some of them may have additional restrictions on their use that we were unable to foresee. The travel image CDs include landmarks which may have restrictions placed upon them (this mostly applies to modern buildings or structures).

Many people are aware that corporate logos and graphics are protected (some very strictly enforced!) but it should also be noted that most product designs are protected, as are many modern buildings by their architects. The following are just an example of designs that many people do not know are protected by their designer, and so cannot be used in some applications:


:::: Protected Designs:

  • London Eye
  • Eiffel Tower Lights (the tower itself is not a protected design)
  • Pompidou Centre and the Reichstag Dome
  • The Sydney Opera House
  • London Underground Logo
  • Love Hearts (sweets)
  • Almost all works art and sculpture.
  • Empire State building
  • All pictures taken on the Paris Underground

- Unfortuanly there are hundreds more like these!



We try to provide images which do not contain protected corporate logos, and to use generic products when illustrating concepts. Recognisable products/designs etc. can generally be featured in editorial context without problem, but it is generally not acceptable to use them in advertising media (including on the front of a book, magazine etc).

In general if a protected item is not the subject or an integral part of the subject theme then using the image may be okay e.g. a picture of the London skyline is not protected, but an image of the london eye is protected. If there is any doubt then the building/product designer/owner should be consulted before using an image (if the item is 'recognisable'). Fortunatly, many historic buildings, castle ruins etc. are not protected.


Mail us if you have any further questions... sales@budgetstockphoto.com


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