
Free Sample Images


Click on an image to download the full-size version.

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abstractwire.jpg (547335 bytes) bolts.jpg (492968 bytes) carspeed.jpg (516767 bytes) choccake.jpg (787581 bytes)

circuitboard.jpg (629246 bytes) creditcards.jpg (563624 bytes) dataconnectioncut1857.jpg (422404 bytes) dice.jpg (225823 bytes)

electronic.jpg (855606 bytes) festivebauble.jpg (597256 bytes) flowerblue.jpg (844599 bytes) gamescards.jpg (567290 bytes)

gearwheel.jpg (366173 bytes) glassbeeds.jpg (809529 bytes) integratedcircuit.jpg (460076 bytes) magnifierhand.jpg (539593 bytes)

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 neonhand.jpg (881192 bytes) padlock.jpg (400048 bytes) padpencil.jpg (352130 bytes) peppers.jpg (670765 bytes)

perfume.jpg (572665 bytes) pills.jpg (960187 bytes) pocketwatch.jpg (764782 bytes) rainbow.jpg (415448 bytes)

riboncable.jpg (671836 bytes) ring.jpg (343763 bytes) rose.jpg (407365 bytes) skyclounds.jpg (222948 bytes) spanners.jpg (374547 bytes) sportcanoe.jpg (430223 bytes) stones.jpg (962581 bytes) swan.jpg (337605 bytes) thermometer.jpg (375539 bytes) uscoins.jpg (507082 bytes)


:::: Sample Tiff

All our tiff images are 5.5mb in size. below is a cropped sample. Our tiff images are all 1600x1200 pixels.

Because our tiff images are so large we can only give you a taste of what the full images are like... but you will be able to see from the sample that the TIFF images don't suffer from any artifacts (on edges) or banding (on areas of gradual colour change)

Below are two low-res thumbnails, the left image shows the extent of the full size image. Clicking on the right hand thumbnail will download the cropped area for viewing. Needless to say, you should be using a 24-bit ('millions') or higher colour screen mode.

thumbnail of full 1600x1200 image crop1.tif (989364 bytes) click to view



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The images ABOVE are provided as samples.
You may use these 'samples' free of charge in any personal or commercial works.
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These images remain © 2016 budgetstockphoto.com


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At budgetstockphotos.com we pride ourselves on giving designers
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To give you the most flexibility we leave the majority of our images unsharpened.
However where necessary we do 'clean up' images by removing artifacts like scratches and dust.


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